MLB All-Star Week at Playball Park!

The MLB All-Star Game is back, and so is the official artwork created by 3D Pop Artist, Charles Fazzino! Fazzino has once again curated an exceptional collection for the 92nd MLB All-Star Game happening in Los Angeles at Capital One PLAYBALL PARK on July 19, 2022. This will be the 18th MLB All-Star Game for which Fazzino has created art, and he is excited to unveil his new creations. Fazzino will host an exhibition during Major League Baseball All-Star Week at the Capital One Play Ball Park, July 16 through July 19. He will be present for several hours each day during which he will sign posters and the official game program covers bearing his work. Look for us in “The Art of Baseball” section of Capital One PLAY BALL PARK at the LA Convention Center. PLAYBALL PARK is a ticketed event: four days full of festivities at the convention center celebrating Major League Baseball and the 2022 All-Star Game. Each day will have its own theme, including kids days, Heritage Day Celebration, and Legacy Day. Get your tickets and come see us there!

Night skyline of Los Angeles and Playball park of MLB All Star Game poster done by Charles Fazzino


Charles Fazzino being interviewed at the MLB All Stars Game in front of his collection of baseball popart work



The Official All-Star Game Los Angeles Poster

The 2022 All-Star Game Poster is now available for purchase.  Contact your favorite authorized Fazzino gallery or visit our gift shop to purchase.

2022 All-Star Game Los ANgeles Poster Print by Charles Fazzino - Baseball shot into the sky from Dodger Stadium


The Fazzino Baseball Art Collection

The signature Fazzino Baseball Art Collection consists of 3D limited editions, original paintings, hand-painted baseballs, and baseball bats. Contact your favorite authorized Fazzino gallery or email us at for purchasing information.


2022 All-Star Game LA pop art original by Charles Fazzino - Baseball shot into the sky at Dodger Stadium


Night skyline of Los Angeles and Playball park of MLB All Star Game poster done by Charles Fazzino


Behind the scenes on Charles Fazzino’s 2022 MLB All-Star Game Artwork


Behind the scenes of Charles Fazzino working on MLB Popart baseballs for All Stars game 2022

Fazzino to Appear at Art One Gallery on July 16th

The entire Charles Fazzino art collection will be on display at Art One Gallery in Beverly Hills during All-Star Game Weekend. Attend a meet & greet with the artist on Saturday, July 16th from 7pm to 10pm.

Charles Fazzino at the Art One Gallery in Beverly Hills California


For information about the July 16th event, call 310-576-1000.

Art One Gallery
309 North Robertson Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 576-1000

Fazzino on KTLA TV

Check out the  interview for the 2022 All-Star Game in LA.

Contact your favorite authorized Fazzino gallery or email us at for more information on the 2022 MLB All-Star Game collection. 


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