Charles Fazzino Appearing at Wentworth Art Galleries in Bethesda MD & McClean, VA

Wentworth Art Gallery promotional card with the works of Charles Fazzino on both sides and information about the show in the middle.

Gallery Debut of The New Superhero Series

Internationally acclaimed 3D Pop artist Charles Fazzino will make two appearances on Saturday, July 23rd in the Washington, DC area. He will be at the Wentworth Gallery in the Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD from 1pm – 4pm, and the Wentworth Gallery at Tysons Corner in McClean, VA from 6pm – 9. The event will feature the artist’s newest 3D fine art releases including “Superman Saves the Day” and “Batman Rules the Night” Charles Fazzino will be on hand to sign the new pieces, along with a selection of his other limited edition artworks.

Charles Fazzino using an x-acto knife on one of his latest 3D pop art piece

Charles Fazzino hand doodling a piece for a client on cardboard

A group of individuals surrounding Charles Fazzino who is sitting down drawing at an Art Gallery


For more information about the Gallery Debut of The New Superhero Series please visit the Wentworth Gallery or comment below!


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