We have an attic in our art studio in New Rochelle. As with any attic, it becomes a place where, over the years, we stash our “stuff.” All kinds of stuff. Older prints, supply materials, unused frames and Fazzino’s childhood memories. Recently, Charles was looking for something up there and he came across a piece of art that his mother created in 1959. It’s a collage of flowers done in a a paper tole style. Bright and colorful, it reminded him of some of his earliest inspirations.

“My mother was always an artist. She was never without an arts or crafts project in the house. I grew up with it all around me. And to my parents, art was a noble pursuit. When i found this piece it reminded me of the fact that my mother used to take cutouts and arrange them on paper in a collage-like way. Without a doubt, seeing her do that fed into my inspiration for the 3D style I use today. I was so excited when i found this. It’s now framed and hangs proudly in my studio.” – Charles Fazzino.

We thought you might like to see one of Charles Fazzino’s earliest artistic influences ala Irene Fazzino, circa 1959. Enjoy!


Charles Fazzino standing up holding a multi-colored floral art piece

Up close detail of a floral collage of yellow tulips, pink roses and green leaves.




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