Last year, I was commissioned by the President's Council on Physical Fitness to create the official poster for the 2008-2009 President's Challenge. The President's Challenge is a program that's been around for years…it's mostly used in the schools to get the kids moving. I remember when my daughter was in elementary school – how proud she was after she “passed” the Challenge. I even think we still have her certificate in the house somewhere. Anyway, it's a wonderful program and I was proud to be a part of it.

Then along came Nerdel! He's this wonderful animated character created by doctors in Washington, DC who started a company called The Nerdel Company. Nerdel's mission is to promote physical fitness and healthy habits among children and he tries his best to lead by example! This month, i've partnered with The Nerdel Company to launch Nerdel's Fazzino Presiden't Challenge Poster Game for kids all over the country to play. I applaud the Nerdel Company for what they are working to accomplish. I'm a huge fan of healthy eating and physical fitness….i do slip up sometimes, just like Nerdel….but it's important to me. You really do have nothing if you don't have your health and i find that i just feel so much better when i'm workign out regularly and eating right. I'm glad to be part of the campaign to promote that lifestyle in others.

So, let your kids surf the net to and encourage them to play the game…they can win a nifty certificate and its fun.

As my friend Christine always signs off….Yours in Health and Fitness,



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