I got an email from Norman Small yesterday. He titled it “How it all Happened”

Ok, so I'm going to New York to see my umpteenth Broadway show in the early 90's.
Taking the obligatory stroll in Times Square and pass this art store with this
HUGE piece celebrating Broadway theatre.You mean an artist loves Broadway as much as I do?

Staring now. What is this? Who is this?
Losing my breath over this and I'm not even in a theatre.

There's more in the window. In the store. On the walls.
Never heard of this guy. Didn't matter. Fell in love.
Bought one. Got my breath back.

There are now three more hannging on my walls now,
but I still lose my breath when I look in that window.

I was very taken with Norman's email. I grew up in a suburb of New York City and one of the most exciting things was getting on the train to NYC to see a Broadway show. I have been painting Broadway for more than 25 years….and I still can't get enough of it. I look at the whole collection now…it's sort of a history of what Broadway has looked like over that time. I actually had a chance to put the whole collection together for the first time….for a one-night exhibition at the Minskoff Theater hosted by Audience Rewards. It was very cool to see all of the pieces together in one place. I hope that my art gives you the chance to take a little piece of Broadway home with you.

Thank you Norman for your very thoughtful email. Your sentiments are exactly why I do what I do.

You can check out what my friends at Audience Rewards are doing by visiting their website at
http://www.audiencerewards.com/. I also created an exclusive Broadway mini print for them.



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