Someone recently sent me some pictures of work by an amazing young Haitian artist named Sophia Domeville and I wanted to share it with you. I had never seen the work before but it really hit me. I love the color and the movement of her work and the way in which she has utilized her artwork to create a lifestyle for herself.  She refers to herself as an abstract expressionist….which loosely translates to “a talented artist who effectively expresses her passion and her emotion through her paintings.” she was recently featured in a blog titled Exquisite Women: Sophia Domeville. In the interview, she says that her work is an “…expression of self for the sole purpose to create change within the world through the power of paint to canvas.”

There’s a really nice profile of her on youtube if you’re interested in learning more about her work.

I haven’t met her in person….well, not yet…but I applaud her work and her persistence and her message. And of course, I love her work too because she’s another “native New Rochelle artist,” having graduated from the New Rochelle College of the Arts! I hope she keeps painting for a very long time. Thank you for sharing yourself with us, Sophia!



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