More Sports Museum – Goose is Coming!

I found out last night that Rich “Goose” Gossage is going to be joining me at the Sports Museum event. VERY exciting….one of my favorite Yankees of all time.


The Sports Museum of America

Have you heard about the new Sports Museum of America yet? It's a fabulous place and only recently opened….in downtown New York City…down by Wall Street. They asked me to create an original painting for them. It hangs in the …


All-Star Game Inspiration

In my latest E-Newsletter, I asked you why you like the MLB All-Star Game. Of course, I'm giving away a few posters for your answers. I am surprised by some of the truly inspirational responses I have received. One is …


More on the Daytime Emmy Awards

Ok, so i promised more “dish” on the Daytime Emmy Awards. I have a secret for you. Turns out that all the action at these awards shows actually happens in the restrooms! Security confiscated everyone's cameras at the entrance to …


Explore The Artwork

The Daytime Emmy Awards

So, I went to my third Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony on Friday night out in Los Angeles. I did the cover art for the event program for the third year in a row. We had a lot of fun. I …


My Friend Norman Small

I got an email from Norman Small yesterday. He titled it “How it all Happened” Ok, so I'm going to New York to see my umpteenth Broadway show in the early 90's. Taking the obligatory stroll in Times Square and …


I Love the Work of Red Grooms

I recently had the chance to see the Red Grooms exhibit at the Hudson River Museum here in Yonkers, NY. I first saw his work about twenty years ago at an exhibition inside Manhattan's Grand Central Station. I was amazed …


To My Danish Collectors

Something really cool happened yesterday at the studio. Mr. Ole Lindboe from KUNST magasinet, the largest art magazine in Denmark, came here to interview me for his next issue. What an honor. It all started about 10 years ago when …