Meet our Latest Featured Fazzino Collector:

In His Own Words:

My name is Gary Sawyer and I live in Connecticut for most of the year. I own a waterfront condo in Fort Lauderdale, FL and purchased the limited edition 3D  Miami piece for the condo. I had it framed in a gloss white frame with pink and teal borders in a  1980’s Miami Vice theme.  I remember the old seedy Fort Lauderdale from spring break back in the 80’s, The Button, The Candy Store, and The Pink Pussy Cat. Watching Miami Vice, drug dealers, Scarface, and crazy high performance offshore racing boats pulling up at Shooters full of questionable characters dripping in gold.  I actually miss the old Lauderdale, but as I grow older (not up), I also enjoy the new classier Fort Lauderdale.


Win a Fazzino Book for Your Collection

Are you an avid Charles Fazzino art collector? Are you proud of your collection? You should be! We want to see it too.  We always hear stories about which pieces you’ve chosen, how you framed them, where they are displayed, and what they mean to you.

Send us some information about yourself and you could be our next FEATURED FAZZINO COLLECTOR.  Send us your name, address, phone number, and email address, along with 3 low resolution photos of you with your Fazzino collection and an explanation (250 words or fewer) about why you’re such an avid fan! We’ll enter you in the next drawing!

Email your low resolution jpegs to

or mail your information and photos to:

Museum Editions, Ltd.
32 Relyea Place
New Rochelle, NY

As a featured collector, your pictures and essays will be featured on Charles Fazzino’s blog and you’ll receive a personally dedicated copy of Charles Fazzino’s latest art book Now Playing on Broadway.


Meet all of our Featured Fazzino Collectors on the Art Collectors Club and Featured Collectors Page!


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