Well, we're several weeks into our “Get in the Game” contest and the entries keep rolling in. We've asked you to send us the answer to the question “what is your favorite sport and why?” to enter the contest. Take a look at our corporate partners contest page to see what you can win from my publishing company and the Sports Museum of America.

In the meantime, i'd like to share some of the results with you. We've heard from many of you and you have a lot of different favorite sports….Baseball is your favorite so far, with more than 10 times the number of votes than any other sport. We've heard about the usuals….football, golf, basketball….but we also have votes for foosball, racquetball, and hot dog eating! Some of your entries are logged in the comments section of this blog. Keep those entries coming. You can still enter…either by posting a new comment to this blog or emailing your entry to info@fazzinocollectors.com. Enjoy!


**Please note that Charles Fazzino's blog is moderated. If you post a comment, please allow 24-hours for that comment to be approved and posted live to this site by our moderator. Thank You.


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