This year’s Annual “New Rochelle’s Artsfest” was one for the books! Visitors from all over the world came to the most anticipated New Rochelle event of the year to immerse themselves in art…in all its forms! Here are some highlights in case you missed it!

Private VIP Reception: Friday October 6th

Your favorite Artist decided this year should be a little different from years before, and really wanted to connect with some of his top Collectors. On Friday October 6th we hosted our first ever ticketed VIP Reception & Dinner with the Artist himself, and treated 50 Fazzino Collectors and Fans to a night of music, great food, and of course Fazzino Art!

The night began with an extended Studio Tour, that led to a night of dinner at Modern Restaurant and Lounge, drinks and dancing! Our live entertainment was provided by the incredibly talented Emilie Surtees who brought the sound of Motown back to New Rochelle. After a night of dancing, each guest left with a Fazzino Swag Bag that included the New 2018 Fazzino Pop Art Calendar , The New Pop-Art Mouse pad, and many more Gift Shop items!

Come to think of it … Have You Shopped Fazzino Today?!

Art fans sitting and eating at the VIP Reception & Dinner for ArtsFest 2017

Charles Fazzino interacting with his fans at the VIP Reception & Dinner for ArtsFest 2017

 Emilie Surtees preforming for the VIP Reception & Dinner at ArtsFest 2017

 Charles Fazzino and Emilie Surtees at the VIP Reception & Dinner for ArtsFest 2017

I truly knew the night was a success when one of my collectors approached me and thanked me for not only touching their lives through the form of his art but for making him feel like family.” – Charles Fazzino


Saturday October 7th /Sunday October 8th

As New Rochelle continued to celebrate the weekend of the Arts, the public enjoyed the Coleman School of Dance, the All-Day Downtown History Hop Walking Tour, and New Rochelle’s Foodfest (YUM!). These were only 3 of the 28 participating Venues that provided offerings, so if you didn’t get a chance to experience it this year, there is always next year! Our participation for the weekend didn’t stop on Friday, as our Studio was also open to the public  Saturday and Sunday! We were happy to see many familiar faces, and a lot of new ones,or as we say new comers to the Fazzino Art Family! Charles mingled with all who attended, taking pictures and doodling anything his customers desired on the back of their purchased pieces. It was an amazing weekend to say the least!


A group of individuals looking at a 3d pop art piece done by Charles Fazzino


The  Limited Edition  After the Darkness, which we debuted at Arts Fest was a HUGE hit for man, as it captures the story of the Holocaust through Fazzino’s eyes. It, along with several other original works, is on exhibit at the HMTC (Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County).


Charles Fazzino posing with a man and woman with the "After the Darkness" 3D Pop Art piece

If you were there,  keep tagging Charles #Fazzino or #Artsfest2017 so we and others can experience the weekend through your Snapchat, Instagram and Iphone/Android lenses!




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